Archive for August, 2014


August 24, 2014

I’ve been not pushing myself so hard in my free time lately and getting more rest as I’ve been a bit sick.

But I have covered at work and found interesting.
1. api testing (soap rather than json)
2. ssl’s testing and api over ssl testing

Testing hours where severely cut into this Sprint with a company all-hands meeting and company event. So I put in some extra time on Thursday evening. I’m not sure it was enough though, as some of the items where pretty long.

And I studied Maths, Cryptography, and Algorithms and Data Structures this last month. I really enjoy programming and c# is and interesting and complex language so I try to grab time where its available.

Looking back on my journey so far I can see where I understand stuff I couldn’t before so while progress is gradual it is real. I just wish I knew how to self study better when I was younger so I could have started earlier*

Things I still need to do. Start pushing code even rubbish code to Github. Find a project to contribute to.

* Not that I couldn’t learn to study better now.